Tag: london

pizza pilgrims exterior

Pizza Pilgrims, Kingly Street, London

Pizza Pilgrims – www.pizzapilgrims.co.uk
11 Kingly St, London, W1B 5PW

This post is a bit of a cheat, because these photos are over a year old. I don’t normally like posting old content, but Pizza Pilgrims was made fresh in my memory recently.  My wonderful niece recommended I visit there, and it was a sweet little moment when I was like “OMG I’ve already been!”. The reason this is a surprising coincidence is that I live in Glasgow, and Pizza Pilgrims is in London. Now it’s hard to think about pizza without drawing comparisons to Paesano, but I’ll try not to. And I’m sure they will get a well-deserved post very, very soon. Moving on…

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sky garden eggs and coffee

Five Places for Breakfast in London

If you’re looking for some inspiration for brunch or breakfast in London, I’ve got you covered.  I’ve rounded up five places dotted around the city with varying menus (yet I always order the eggs…) and budgets.  Enjoy.

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Flat Iron, Denmark Street, London

9 Denmark Street, London, WC2H 8LS

On a recent jaunt to London, I revisited an old favourite restaurant in Soho – Flat Iron.  Having visited the Beak Street branch a few times before, I was really excited to see they’d opened their second restaurant which is tucked away on Denmark Street, and felt obliged to go check it out.

flat iron london

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